Quick & Easy Meals 10 Min or Less

Quick & Easy Meals-10 Min or Less

What do you grab to eat when you’re on the go?? When you’re rushing to get to an evening event? Don’t feel like creating an elaborate meal??

I know how hard it can be to grab something to eat quick when your in a rush, let alone have it be healthy too!! Keeping up with your schedule can be tough, then add in your significant other’s schedule, kids schedules and you can easily be thrown off track from staying healthy. The keep to quick meals is ALWAYS be prepared. Keep basic ingredients on hand that you can either throw together in about 10 mins and keep things on hand that you can just grab & go.

Quick & Easy Mealsveggies & hummus

Quick Healthy Meals/Snack Ideas:
1. An Apple & nut butter
2. Cut up veggies & hummus
3. Lean turkey on a whole grain sandwich thin or wrap
4. Banana sliced and rolled up in a whole grain wrap with pb
5. Brown Rice with black beans, corn, & topped with Salsa
6. Veggie Stir Fry (plain or served over brown rice or quinoa)
7. Low Fat cheese wrapped in a couple slices of lean turkey
8. Egg White omelet with veggies and topped with Salsa
9. Grilled Portobella mushroom burger(can use whole grain sandwich thin, bun, or just lettuce)
10. Turkey tacos with homemade seasoning(check allrecipes.com) Use whole wheat or Ezekiel wraps and low fat cheese.



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